How to verify if all the components are connected properly - Serenity Light and Music System with Signature Series and Steam.
Verify that all components are connected properly:
Did you see ALL 5 options (Light, Vol, Music, Temp and Time) when you scrolled through on your installation?
You only saw the Light, Vol and Music:
This means that the connection between the generator and the rest of the system was not established.
- The Breaker for the generator may be OFF. Please make sure the breaker for the generator is ON.
- Disconnect and reconnect the yellow Can-BUS cable on the generator side.
- Make sure to hand tighten the connections and gently push-in the cable connector to assure the pins are connecting.
- Follow the cable from the generator and make sure that the other end is physically connected to Serenity Light and Music system under "From Steam Unit".
- Disconnect and reconnect the yellow Can-BUS cable on the Serenity Light and Music system side.
- Make sure to hand tighten the connections and gently push-in the cable connector to assure the pins are connecting.
- Please double check the cable and make sure that nails, staples or screws didn't "pinch" the cable during installation.
If you only saw the Temp and Time:
This means that the connection between the Serenity Light and Music System and the rest of the system was not established.
Or the cables are not connected as per diagram.
- Please make sure that the Serenity Light and Music system is plugged in with both cords to 110V outlet(s)
- Make sure that the yellow Can-BUS cable marked "From Steam Unit" on the Serenity Light and Music System is directly connected to the generator.
- Disconnect and reconnect the yellow Can-BUS cable.
- Make sure to hand tighten the connections and gently push-in the cable connector to assure the pins are connecting.
- Make sure that the yellow Can-BUS cable marked "To Shower Control" on the Serenity Light and Music System is directly connected to the controller in your shower.
- Disconnect and reconnect the yellow Can-BUS cable.
- Make sure to hand tighten the connections and gently push-in the cable connector to assure the pins are connecting.
- Please double check the cable and make sure that nails, staples or screws didn't "pinch" the cable during installation.
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