See the VIDEO or follow the steps below.
Make sure the ThermaTouch is ON
Slide your finger over "Slide to relax"
Touch the USER 1 or USER 2 half of the screen or as an option you can have your friends touch on GUEST
The LEFT dial is controlling the temperature. Touch or Slide your finger on the arch to select your desiered temperature. In addition you can use Up and Down arrows to precisely fine tune your selection.
Next select the duration for your steam session. The RIGHT dial is controlling the time when you want the steam to turn off. Touch or Slide your finger on the arch to select duration of your steam session. In addition you can use Up and Down arrows to precisely fine tune your selection.
Once you select the Temperature and Time for your steam session slide your finger from left>right over "slide to start"
The dials should change to color red to indicate the steam being ON.
You can wait for the timer to run down or at anytime you can turn off the steam by pressing STOP
Or if you want to shut down the system completely use the POWER button
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